Place Hold on Origins of order : self-organization and selection in evolution
]]>Place Hold on Data warehouse : from architecture to implementation
]]>Place Hold on GSM and UMTS : creation of global mobile communication
]]>Place Hold on Science, ideology, and world view : essays in the history of evolutionary ideas
]]>Place Hold on Information theory, evolution and the origin of life
]]>Place Hold on Toward a new philosophy of biology : observations of an evolutionist
]]>Place Hold on Voice enabling web applications voice XML and beyond software collection
]]>Place Hold on Foundations of empirical software engineering : the legacy of Victor R. Basili
]]>Place Hold on Computer organization and architecture : designing for performance
]]>Place Hold on Third Chimpanzee : the evolution and future of the human animal
]]>Place Hold on Darwin in the genome: Molecular strategies in biological evolution
]]>Place Hold on I have landed: Splashes and refelections in natural history
]]>Place Hold on Singularity is near : when humans transcend biology
]]>Place Hold on Between eternities : ideas on life and the cosmos
]]>Place Hold on At home in the universe : the search for laws of self-organization and complexity
]]>Place Hold on Long tomorrow : how advances in evolutionary biology can help us postpone aging
]]>Place Hold on Evolution and religious creation myths : how scientists respond
]]>Place Hold on Inside the human genome : a case for non-intelligent design
]]>Place Hold on Software engineering: concepts and applications
]]>Place Hold on Genetical theory of natural selection: a complete variorum edition