Fernandez, Oscar E.

Everyday calculus : discovering the hidden math all around us - New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2014 - x, 150 p. ill. 24 cm.

Calculus. For some of us, the word conjures up memories of ten-pound textbooks and visions of tedious abstract equations. And yet, in reality, calculus is fun, accessible, and surrounds us everywhere we go. In Everyday Calculus, Oscar Fernandez shows us how to see the math in our coffee, on the highway, and even in the night sky. Fernandez uses our everyday experiences to skillfully reveal the hidden calculus behind a typical day's events. He guides us through how math naturally emerges from simple observations-how hot coffee cools down, for example-and in discussions of over fifty familia.
Uses the examples of over fifty familiar experiences to reveal the hidden calculus behind an average day's events. This book shows us how to see the math in our coffee, on the highway, and even in the night sky. Fernandez uses our everyday experiences to skillfully reveal the hidden calculus behind a typical day's events. This book guides us through how math naturally emerges from simple observations - how hot coffee cools down, for example - and in discussions of over fifty familiar events and activities. This book demonstrates that calculus can be used to explore practically any aspect of our lives, including the most effective number of hours to sleep and the fastest route to get to work. It also shows that calculus can be both useful - determining which seat at the theater leads to the best viewing experience, for instance - and fascinating - exploring topics such as time travel and the age of the universe.


Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical model

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