Kneusel, Ronald T.

Random numbers and computers - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018 - xv, 259 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This book covers pseudorandom number generation algorithms, evaluation techniques, and offers practical advice and code examples. Random Numbers and Computers is an essential introduction or refresher on pseudorandom numbers in computer science. The first comprehensive book on the topic, readers are provided with a practical introduction to the techniques of pseudorandom number generation, including how the algorithms work and how to test the output to decide if it is suitable for a particular purpose. Practical applications are demonstrated with hands-on presentation and descriptions that readers can apply directly to their own work. Examples are in C and Python and given with an emphasis on understanding the algorithms to the point of practical application. The examples are meant to be implemented, experimented with and improved/​adapted by the reader. .

9783319776965 (hbk)

Random number generators
Mathematical &​ statistical software
Coding theory &​ cryptology
Maths for computer scientists
Electronic data processing
Computer software
Mathematical theory of computation
Data encryption
Mathematical statistics
Random number generators

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