Saint, Tarun K.

Gollancz book of South Asian science fiction - Gurugram Hachette India 2019 - xli, 375 p. 23 cm

On an ordinary morning, the citizens of Karachi wake up to find the sea missing from their shores. The last Parsi left on Earth must find other worlds to escape to when debt collectors come knocking. A family visiting a Partition-themed park gets more entertainment than they bargained for. Gandhi appears in contemporary times under rather unusual circumstances. The arrival of aliens with an agenda on a railway station in Uttar Pradesh has unexpected consequences. A group of young scientists seek a way to communicate with forests even as the web of life reaches a point of collapse. A young girl's personal tragedy finds a surprising resolution as she readies herself for an expedition of a lifetime. These and other tales of masterful imagination illuminate this essential volume of new science fiction writing that brings together some of the most creative minds in contemporary literature. A must-have collectible, The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction offers fresh perspectives on our hyper-global, often alienating and always paranoid world, in which humanity and love may yet triumph.


Science fiction
Short stories

823.0876209954 / SAI

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