Bos, Joppe W. ed.

Computational cryptography : algorithmic aspects of cryptology - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022 - xii, 387 p. ; ill., 23 cm - London Mathematical Society lecture note series ; 469 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The area of computational cryptography is dedicated to the development of effective methods in algorithmic number theory that improve implementation of cryptosystems or further their cryptanalysis. This book is a tribute to Arjen K. Lenstra, one of the key contributors to the field, on the occasion of his 65th birthday, covering his best-known scientific achievements in the field. Students and security engineers will appreciate this no-nonsense introduction to the hard mathematical problems used in cryptography and on which cybersecurity is built, as well as the overview of recent advances on how to solve these problems from both theoretical and practical applied perspectives. Beginning with polynomials, the book moves on to the celebrated Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász lattice reduction algorithm, and then progresses to integer factorization and the impact of these methods to the selection of strong cryptographic keys for usage in widely used standards.


Approximation regime
Coppersmith method
Digital signature
ElGamel encryption
Gaussian heuristic
Hash function
Modular multiplication
rho method
P1 method
Quantum computer
Wiener's attack
Hash function

005.824 / BOS

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