McManamon, Paul

LiDAR technologies and systems - Washington : SPIE Press, 2019 - xiv, 504 p. ; ill., 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

LiDAR technology and Systems is a tutorial book, covering LiDAR Technology. The introduction sets lidar in context, as one of many sensor technologies utilizing electro-magnetic radiation. LiDAR is in the optical and infrared wavelengths, and it is an active sensor, which collects reflected EM radiation. It is similar to more familiar passive EO/IR sensors in wavelength, and similar to radar in that it uses reflected radiation emitted by the sensor. The second chapter goes the > 50 years of lidar history. Chapter 3 covers the link budget - how much signal a LiDAR must emit in order to get a certain number of reflected photons back. Chapter 4 discusses the rich phenomenology of LiDAR. One of the strengths of LiDAR is its' diverse phenomenology's. As a result, there are many flavors of LiDAR. The most common is 3D imaging, but there are many other types of lidars, with different measurement objectives. The next 4 chapters discuss components of a LiDAR. Chapter 5 discusses laser sources, chapter 6 LiDAR receivers, chapter 7 beam steering approaches, and chapter 8 LiDAR processing. The last 3 chapters are testing, metrics, and applications. Chapter 11, the applications chapter, picks 4 popular applications and discusses these LiDARs, and how to build them, for these applications. Chapter 11 as a result will repeats some information in earlier chapters, but in the context of a particular application.


Optical radar
Technologies and Systems
Avalanche photodiode
Beer's law
Digital elevation model
Elecro-optic crystal
Fixed-pattern noise
Gaussian beam
Johnson criteria
Kerr effect
Laser vibrometry
Modular transfer function
Nyquist sampling
Optical coherencetomography
Quantum cascade laser
Range imaging;
Three-level laser
World Geodetic System
3D mapping

621.3848 / MCM

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