Yudin, Art

Basic Python for data management, finance, and marketing : advance your career by learning the most powerful analytical tool - Berkeley : Springer, 2021 - XI, 320 p ; ill., 24 cm

Include bibliographic references and index.

Learn how to gather, manipulate, and analyze data with Python. This book is a practical guide to help you get started with Python from ground zero and to the point where you can use coding for everyday tasks. Python, the most in-demand skill by employers, can be learned in a matter of months and a working knowledge will help you to advance your career. This book will teach you to crunch numbers, analyze big-data, and switch from spreadsheets to a faster and more efficient programming language. You'll benefit from the numerous real-life examples designed to meet current world challenges and from step-by-step guidance to become a confident Python user. Python is used in all aspects of financial industry, from algo trading, reporting and risk management to building valuations models and predictive machine learning programs. Basic Python for Data Management, Finance, and Marketing highlights how this language has become a useful skill with digital marketers, allowing them to analyze data more precisely and run more successful campaigns. You will: Get started with Python from square one Extend what's possible on excel with Python Automate tasks with Python Analyze data more precisely.


Data processing
Database management
Data processing
Anaconda package
Application programming
Efficient frontier technique
Fundamental analysis
Future value function
Google analytics
Keys method
Monte Carlo simulation
Net present value
Numpy-financial package
Rangen function
Twitter bot
Web scaping process
Data visualization.

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