Davidson, J. Guy

Beautiful C++ : 30 core guidelines for writing clean, safe, and fast code - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2022 - xxiv, 318 p. ; ill., 23 cm

Includes index.

Discover the Beauty of Modern C++ " Beautiful C++ presents the C++ Core Guidelines from a developer's point of view with an emphasis on what benefits can be obtained from following the rules and what nightmares can result from ignoring them. For true geeks, it is an easy and entertaining read. For most software developers, it offers something new and useful." --Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++ and co-editor of the C++ Core Guidelines Writing great C++ code needn't be difficult. The C++ Core Guidelines can help every C++ developer design and write C++ programs that are exceptionally reliable, efficient, and well-performing. But the Guidelines are so jam-packed with excellent advice that it's hard to know where to start. Start here.


Type safety
View code image
Template metaprogramming
Smart pointers
Return statement
Member function
Information hiding
Header file
Function overload
Core Guidelines
Class invariants
Bjarne Stroustrup

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