Woodward, Wayne A.

Time series for data science : analysis and forecasting - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2022 - xxi, 506 p. ; ill., 26 cm - Chapman & Hall/CRC texts in statistical science series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This book will be written at a level that requires little or no calculus but does not shy away from giving students more than a cursory understanding of the fundamentals and techniques involved. It will cover time series regression models, exponential smoothing, Holt-Winters forecasting, and Neural Networks. It gives more emphasis to classical ARMA and ARIMA models than is found in similar-level texts. Knowing that students and practitioners want to find a forecast that "works" and don't want to be constrained to a single forecasting strategy, we discuss techniques of ensemble modeling for combining information from several strategies (multivariate, VAR, neural networks, etc.


Big data
Time-series analysis
Information science

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